Monday, February 19, 2007

Why the Partition was a good thing

It is understandable that a lot of Hindus regret the partitioning of India. They tend to view it as a sellout by Gandhi. For which reason, he got assassinated.

But looking back, I think it was a good thing to have happened, for India's own good. I have only two regrets regarding the Partition :-

1. It was done in haste, literally uprooting families overnight, which resulted in great hardships to so many families on both sides, with an uncountable number of deaths, and starvation. This probably exacerbated the bitterness Hindus and Muslims had for each other. If some amount of planning had been done (with the help of Mountbatten who was the Viceroy overseeing the independence), the partition could have been accomplished in a phased manner over a period of 3 months or so, with less trauma for everyone concerned.

2. We should have either surrendered Kashmir, or held on to it with no strings attached. I would have preferred the former. Nehru made a grave mistake by going to the UN towards the end of the first Indo-Pak war, and accepting to hold a plebiscite for the people of Kashmir, when there was no compelling reason to have done that. The repercussions of that action haunt us to this day.

But the main point of the article is that the Partition was a blessing in disguise for India. Why? The answer is simple - it relieved the stress of two incompatible civilizations attempting to co-exist.

If the Partition had not happened, India would have spiraled into anarchy the same way a lot of Muslim countries have in recent years. And it would have dragged the rest of the population (Hindus, Jains, Christians) along with it.

Now many might consider the above statement preposterous and presumptuous. I might be accused of endorsing stereotypes regarding Islam and Muslims. But those who really believe that Hindus and Muslims (in large numbers, had there been no Partition) can co-exist are just living in a fool's paradise.

I am sure a lot of people (both Muslims and non-Muslims) are of the opinion that Islam is a peaceful religion per se and the Koran doesn't preach violence contrary to stereotypes. Maybe so. I do not wish to get into theological arguments about Islam. It is rather pointless. Instead one should go by what history has taught us regarding Islamic states. Just look at our close neighbours - Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan etc., and the pathetic state they are in. Had the first two been still part of India, it would have surely tested our very existence as a democratic nation. Major riots, if not a full-blown civil war, would have occurred from time to time, and the only way to deal with that would have been a heavy-handed dictatorship.

It is a fact that democracy doesn't work in countries with a significant Islamic population. India is now proud to have had 60 years of uninterrupted democracy (if one could gloss over the excesses of the Emergency). I do not think this would have happened had there been a greater proportion of Muslims. And the separatist movement in Baluchistan would have been India's problem.

And crime rates in major cities would have been much higher. It is also an undisputed fact that Muslims are already over-represented in organized crime in India. Even though Islam prescribes stringent punishment for crimes such as robbery, extortion, murder, and so on, for some perverse reason, it is Muslims who seem to engage in such crimes more than other followers. Had there been no Partition, Mumbai would have become another Karachi, the latter known for its lawlessness and sky-high crime rates.

And the economy would have gone down the toilet. Just like Bangladesh or even Pakistan. The latter's economy is viable only because of heavy aid from the US.

If you are lucky enough to survive in such a situation, you can kiss your fundamental rights and freedom of speech goodbye. For, as I mentioned earlier, the only way to keep the country from spiraling into total anarchy (like Iraq) would be an iron-handed (Hindu) dictatorship. Which is bad in itself.

Actually, I would go on to say that the Partition alone is not enough. India should cut off all diplomatic ties with Pakistan. For those who question why, remember that there is a war of attrition between India and Pakistan happening as of now. This is causing a drain on our country's resources, not to mention innumerable loss of lives of our soldiers. One cannot shake hands as well as engage in a sword-fight at the same time.

And there is very compelling evidence that the ISI was responsible for the Mumbai train blasts. We cannot sit back doing nothing about it.

And the bombing of the
Samjhauta Express is just a grim reminder of what would happen with trying to establish "normal" relations between the two countries. Lets face it, this isn't the Eurorail. We are talking of two countries with disparate, incompatible cultures with mutual hatred spanning centuries. Trying to "bridge" the gap is asking for trouble. Big time.


Anonymous said...

I would say Islam is incompatible with all the communities in the world including itself.

Look at the Arab world or any Muslim dominated country. There is either a totalitarian rule resembling a prison house or complete lawlessness.

The religion creates people who cannot exist without a dictatorial rule, who cannot refrain from violence unless they are handcuffed, and who cannot think for themselves. They need an imam to tell them who to kill.

gagneet said...

hey! that is being a bit too harsh on the realities of the world, when we ourselves cannot say why those things have actually happened. the partition 'was' a bad thing to happen. it made us realize that although we thought ourselves to be safe and happy with the phasing out of the british, the real culprits were we ourselves. why! we are the ones who cannot live in harmony; it was nehru's fault that he imposed the partition on us by insisting to become the prime minister when he did not deserve it. we brought it upon ourselves when we agreed to these political manuveours and have till date not been able to get out of the same. why even though we are a free nation for the past 60 years, we have as yet not been able to bring peace and harmony within the various factors we have. to cite a few - jharkhand and bihar, tilingana and telugu, assam and the disturbed north-east, what are those. you have cited baluchistan, why don't you see the baluchistan we have made??!!
i am not against any community making its rules, but the people who follow these should not become captives of those rules. there should be respite in them and that is what i love about India. although it has its bout of troubles, atleast we still have the freedom to express ourselves and make ourselves heard. that is the thing i would hate to be taken away; i can live with rules [almost have throughout my life] but not with not being able to bend them to have that satisfaction also. that is the thing which is lacking in the countries you have mentioned and that is why frustration comes out from there in the various forms that you see around.

Anonymous said...

I would say partition was a great thing to happen in India. Otherwise Indian muslims would never have been able to find their identity and would have lost their voice to the enormous Indian population. And it was pretty evident how insecure Muslims in India were during the Babri Masjid and Gujarat violence.
You suggested that the crime rate in Muslim communities is very high in India; I would suggest that's because of poor representation, discrimination, and neglect. Black population in US has the highest crime rate and guess what, most of them are Christians. You talked about Karachi, to be honest, Karachi isn't half as bad as some of the things i've heard about some areas in India, say Bihar.
As far as economy of Pakistan is concerned, there are straightforward reasons for its downfall. Pakistan spends 40% of it's budget every year on country's defence just to protect itself from India. The Indian threat has caused the army to become highly involved in politics and the country has been run by the army for half of the time since independence. And on top of that India's inflamatory statements don't help.
As for Indians and Pakistanis hating eachother, it seems that you Indians hate Pakistanis a lot more than we hate you (but it may seem the other way around if i was in India). On a people to people level we actualy want to be friends and get along. But on a political level we cannot get along as long as the long outstanding issues like Kashmir are put to rest. Abandoning of dialogue will not help either of us, and will lead to miscalculations, misunderstandings and distrust. Confidence building measures should continue and both parties should sit down together and talk and try to resolve the issues among them. That's the only way we can make subcontinent a better and safer place for everyone!

Anonymous said...

Excellent Article! Interesting the difference between India and Pakistan. People from the same country went their separate ways.

India was formed mainly of Hindus, Pakistan was formed mainly of Muslims.

India is the world's largest democracy, massive influence in medicine and technology worldwide and is steadily becoming an economic superpower.

Pakistanis are still killing their own and other people, political system is a joke, economy is stagnant and they're only a world player in terrorism. Craig

Sweetnsour said...

This is in response to what Sohail has said. I am pleasantly surprised to read what a common pakistani thinks. Yes deep down maybe the common man wants to be friends with his neighbour and get along. Yes partition was a good thing. Though people think that many people lost their lives, but i think if it didnt happen many more would be dying everyday. Both countries have internal problems so we cannot say Pak has more crime. But what I do think is, India has been fortunate to be ruled by more broadminded and learned people who paved a way towards progress. Pakistan probably was on eual footage maybe till Musharaff stepped down causing an economic disaster. Whoever comes to power in Pakistan must realise that they need aid from US and other countries to get ahead at least for now. They cannot rebuild the economy without their help so in turn would have to agree to certain terms. Best thign would be to leave the Kashmir issue for a while say 5 yrs, get a assurance from India that it wont attack Pakistan or create internal havoc, and concentrate on rebuilding the economy. People might disagree but once the development begins I am sure they will understand. And after 5 yrs when Pakistan is string again it can always sit with India and decide on Kashmir. Till then it should stop listening to and supporting extremists unless it wants to be a second afghanistan. But I really appreciate people like Sohail who are so tolerant towards us Indians though they are in such dire situation.

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